2021 Resolutions

new years, wintertime, new years resolutions, resolutions, 2021, clean slate, new years list

I just bid farewell to 2020, which was a difficult year in so many ways, but a lovely year in others. There were hardships and struggles for all, but also many blessings. Now that 2020 is firmly behind me, I am planning to start 2021 with a nice clean slate.

I am not the biggest New Year resolution list maker, but this year I had a few things in mind that I want to be better at, and I thought I would share those in this post. Let’s make 2021 the year where we get excited for what the future holds, and start making plans again. Let 2021 be THE YEAR!


It wouldn’t be a New Years resolution list without having the obligatory health and wellness plan, now would it? Actually, while I plan to get more fit this year, this resolution focuses more on diet, and making choices that will boost my overall health.

I want to start researching and consuming the food items that will help with vision, clear skin, healthy hair and nails, mental clarity, etc. I am going to make food choices that will improve my overall health, inside and out. I’ve always had the general healthy eating idea in my head that I stuck with - chicken, veggies, fruit, less sugar, less oils, etc… but I’ve never actively put in the work to eat the particular foods that will improve my health in specific areas.

My skin has always been bad, and I want to clear it up. My hair has always been healthy, and I want to keep in that way. My energy could be better. My mental clarity could use some work. These are all areas that I know can improve through a healthy diet.


My business is only one of my jobs, and my other job is pretty labor intensive and fast paced. I tend to find myself burned out to the point when I have free days to work on my business, I have no motivation, and just want to curl up and relax.

I know that the previous resolution of diet can help in this area, but I want to focus on making focus a focus in my life! I tend to get lazy when I’m worn out, and while I need to listen to my body and make sure I get the time I need to re-energize…I also need to listen to my body and know when the re-energizing has stopped and the laziness has begun. I want to get back to being creative on my slower days, and start really prioritizing my business.


This one is so important to me…and I didn’t even realize it until last night. I made a video for Instagram of all the fun things my friends and I did this year. As I watched through it, I realized how important all these moments being caught on film were to me. I really cherish these filmed memories. I get so caught up in being self-conscious or worrying about getting in the way, that I sometimes don’t pull out my camera. And much of the time, it is a good thing to put the camera down and live only in the moment... But I watched the video, and there were literally some things in there that I will never be able to see or do again, and I am kicking myself that I didn’t capture more of those things. And what I did capture I hold so dear now, because I know I can never see or experience that lost thing again.

So in 2021 I am going to make a concerted effort to film more, because I never know what people, things, or places will come and go from my life forever, and I want to have that beautiful memory captured on camera to remember and cherish forever.

So there you have it, my 2021 resolutions! If you have any good resolutions you want to share, comment below! I hope each and every one of you have a blessed New Year!


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