Wedding Planning Journal: Entry No.3 - The Registry


Creating our registry was such a fun part of the wedding planning process! It took HEAPS longer than I thought it would…I’m talking DAYS of work, not just a few hours, which caught me a little off-guard. AND to top it all off, we are in the middle of shipping delays and product shortages globally, so keeping on top of what is going in and out of stock on the registry has been a chore…haha! But, in the end, I think there will be a lot of options to choose from.

Since neither Joseph nor I own our own homes, or rent large spaces, there are a lot of things I knew we were going to need to start a household together…like pots and pans, silverware, broom and dustpan, etc. So I made a long list of essentials that we were going to need to start off together, as well as a few extra decor pieces and fun things.

My vision for our future home is light and airy, with natural touches of stone, wood, and wool, and a casual west feel. I wanted it to be gentle, countryside-esque, with slight touches of modern minimalism and desert. The colors are whites, creams, beiges, stone, sage green, and wood.

Here is a photo of visual inspiration.


Wedding Planning Journal Entry No.4 - Setting the Vibe


A Day in Joshua Tree