
It feels like summer is just around the corner here in New Hampshire. The green leaves have popped everywhere, the blossoms are blowing away in the breeze, and the sun just keeps getting warmer and warmer. It’s a special time, full of hope and excitement for the coming season.

Along with the excitement has come my motivation. I feel alive this time of the year; ready to be ready for anything. I recently joined a local gym and started personal training twice a week. My goal is to try and be in the gym 4 times a week, and work on strength training. After just a few short weeks I am already seeing improvement in some areas, and it just motivates me more to keep going and get better.


Hand-in-hand with that, I have also started focusing on eating healthy. I am working on consuming more water, eating a balanced diet, and making sure I get the protein intake to help me gain strength. While I might not love it 100% of the time…I definitely feel happier to be living healthy.

So, with all that being said, I am making health and wellness the focus of this month’s favorites. Here are a few of my favorites for the month of May!


MAy Favorites

OUTDOOR VOICES COLOR BLOCK LEGGINGS AND CROP TOP - As I scroll through Instagram and FB, I kept coming across an ad for Outdoor Voices, and they were always featuring these beautiful green pieces that were right up my alley in terms of color. I decided one day I would just bite the bullet and buy them, and they did not disappoint! The fit is beautiful, and I am so satisfied with my purchase!


Flex Zoom 7/8 Legging

Move Free Crop Top


MASON JAR DRINKING GLASS - A new favorite for me has been using a large mason jar as a glass. They really do hold a lot of water, and they are pretty, which helps make me want to drink more water throughout the day!


32 oz. mason jar


BAREBELLS PROTEIN BARS - Another recent discovery that I am hooked on is the Barebells protein bars…they are seriously like eating a candy bar, but one that is healthy and good for you! I love them!




8LB WEIGHTS - I found some beautiful green weights from Target, and I am loving them! 8lbs is a great weight to have around the house, especially for us ladies! I usually switch between 7.5lb, 10lb, and 15lb weights at the gym, so to have 8lb wieghts at home is great!




BRIE LARSON’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL - Umm…did anyone else know that Brie Larson started her own Youtube Channel last year?!…because I sure didn’t! I can’t get enough of it. She is so real, funny, and just all around awesome. I have loved watching her fitness/workout/recovery videos, they have definitely motivated me! Her content is so fresh and fun!

OLLY CHOCOLATE PROTEIN POWDER - This has been my favorite protein powder for YEARS! Many protein powders tend to have stevia extract in them for a little sweetness…and I cannot stand the taste of stevia. So far, Olly is the only flavored protein powder I have come across that doesn’t have any stevia taste, which makes me very happy. I love to use the chocolate flavor powder to make chocolate peanut butter shakes, or chocolate and cherry smoothies. It’s a great after-workout treat!

That is all for this month’s favorites! Until next time!


Sandals for Summer


Cutest Swimsuits for Spring 2021