How To Host a Fondue Party

fondue party, apres ski, wintertime, winter, snow, snow party,

A layer of snow covering the ground, and a roaring fire in the fire pit. Woodsmoke mixed with the sounds of Henry Mancini wafting through the air. 15 degree temps, and hot cheese boiling away in the pot. Pretzels hanging from a stand, and a Toblerone at every place. THIS is how you throw a Fondue party in the winter.

This outdoor fondue party has been several years in the making. I always had a vision of digging out 2 feet of snow to make room for chairs and tables covered in sheepskin, wool blankets, Bavarian pretzels, and Swiss fondue. And while I didn’t have to do much snow digging this time, the rest came together just as I had envisioned.

fondue party, apres ski, wintertime, winter, snow, snow party,
fondue party, apres ski, wintertime, winter, snow, snow party,
fondue party, apres ski, wintertime, winter, snow, snow party,
fondue party, apres ski, wintertime, winter, snow, snow party,
fondue party, apres ski, wintertime, winter, snow, snow party,

In America we might balk at the idea of eating in the cold; so used to our creature comforts are we. But in places like the Alps, and Scandinavia, this isn’t a foreign concept…it’s been that way for years. There they don’t find ways around the cold, they find ways to enjoy it. I might harp on this a lot on the blog, but this is seriously a way of life we need to embrace more in the US, and I’m here in an attempt to lead the charge.

fondue party, apres ski, wintertime, winter, snow, snow party,
fondue party, apres ski, wintertime, winter, snow, snow party,
fondue party, apres ski, wintertime, winter, snow, snow party,
fondue party, apres ski, wintertime, winter, snow, snow party,
fondue party, apres ski, wintertime, winter, snow, snow party,
fondue party, apres ski, wintertime, winter, snow, snow party,

So how does one throw a fondue parts in the dead of winter, out of doors? Let me breakdown everything I implemented to make this party delicious, beautiful, and comfortable for all!


The most important part of any party, aside from good company, is good food. And it doesn’t have to be complicated food to be delicious. Fondue proves that. All you need is the fondue and chunks of bread to make it traditional and delicious. I added a few more elements for dipping, just to spice things up. Here are some ideas on what you can serve with your fondue.


- Country Bread, cubed

- Sourdough Bread, cubed

- Cheese Bread, cubed

- A Thick Slice of Ham, cubed

- Peppered Salami in Thin Strips, folded into quarters

- Gold Fingerling Potatoes

- Cornichons Pickles

- Large Soft Preztels

ADDITIONS (not for dipping)

- Mixed nuts in Shell

- Mustards (to dip pretzels in)

- Clementines or Mandarins

- Toblerone Chocolates make great party favors!


- Sparkling Water (Gerolsteiner is perfect!)

- Wine

- German Beer


When in Rome, do as the Romans do. This holds true for a Swiss fondue party out in the cold…do as the Swiss do and throw sheepskin or faux sheepskin over chairs and benches. I promise you, little touches like that make the whole scene much more festive! Here are some decor ideas for your fondue party!

- Fondue Pots

- Red and White Tablecloth

- Wool Blankets

- Sheepskin or Faux Sheepskin

- Pretzel Stands

- Snow

- Steins for holding utensils


Another important element to a cold outdoor party, is making sure your guests stay warm and comfortable the whole evening. Be sure to remind your guests to dress for the cold, the last thing you need is frostbite! Double layer those socks, and don’t forget hats, gloves, and scarves! Here are some things you can have on hand for your guest’s comfort.

- Wool Blankets and Throws for laps

- Hot Water Bottles for laps

- Hand Warmers

- Extra Gloves and Scarves (just in case)

- A Roaring Fire in a Fire Pit




And there you have it! Everything you need to throw a fondue party for you and your friends in the winter! I hope America catches on to the old trend in Europe of getting out into the cold to feast and enjoy good company! Let’s make it happen and challenge each other to the adventure of enjoying the outdoors, even at the coldest parts of the year!

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