2023 Vision Boarding Party
I recently hosted a ladies night to celebrate the beginning of 2023. It was all thrown together very last minute, but after hearing a few people talking about vision boards for the new year, I suddenly had the thought of making a fun evening out of it all!
How To Host a Fondue Party
A layer of snow covering the ground, and a roaring fire in the fire pit. Woodsmoke mixed with the sounds of Henry Mancini wafting through the air. 15 degree temps, and hot cheese boiling away in the pot. Pretzels hanging from a stand, and a Toblerone at every place. THIS is how you throw a Fondue party in the winter…
4th of july celebration
I hope everyone had a lovely, happy, safe 4th of July weekend! My day was spent up at a friend’s lake house with some amazing people…
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